關於理工類 期刊封面設計

理工類的設計與其他商業設計有一個很大的差異 : 專精且講求事實 ,幾乎所有的元素都沒有圖庫可用,且許多細節無法因美感而妥協。尤其是期刊封面,要求更為嚴謹,畫面上的每個存在都有意義,不能含混。


獲選期刊: Green Chemistry (RSC) / ChemistrySelect (Wiley) / PCCP (RSC) / Materials Horizons (RSC) / Biomaterials Science (RSC) / Chemistry-A European Journal (Wiley) / / Advanced Science (Wiley) / ChemCatChem (Wiley) / Journal of material chemistry A(RSC) / Angewandte Chemie (Wiley) / NJC (RSC) / Nanoscale (RSC) / PCCP(RSC) / Advanced Science (Wiley) / Analyst (RSC) / Langmuir (ACS) / Journal of Materials Chemistry B (RSC) / Chem Comm (RSC) / Langmuir (ACS) / Advanced Materials Interfaces(Wiley)/ CHEMSUSCHEM(Wiley)/ Journal of Materials Chemistry C(RSC)/ Journal of Materials Chemistry A(RSC)/ IEEE Electron Device Letters(IEEE)/ European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry(Wiley)/ Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers(RSC)/ Chemistry letters(CSJ)/ Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering(ACS)/ ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(ACS)/ Journal of Materials Chemistry C(RSC)/ Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology(RSC)/ ACS Applied Nano Materials(ACS)/ Journal of Materials Chemistry A(RSC)/ Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering(ACS)/ Sustainable Energy & Fuels(RSC)/ Analytical Chemistry(ACS)/ The Journal of Physical Chemistry C(ACS)/ Journal of material chemistry A(RSC)/ ACS Omega(ACS)/ Chem Commun.(RSC)/ The Journal of Physical Chemistry C(ACS)/ Angewandte Chemie(Wiley)/ Advanced Material(Wiley)/ ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces(ACS)/ 2020/12更新